The Pollard Theatre Company is a non-profit organization that relies on the generous financial contributions of local businesses, foundations, and our community. We need you. Become a sponsor today and EXPERIENCE A STAGE OF INSPIRATION.
Our theatre derives only 65% of it’s operating revenue from ticket sales. The remaining capital must come from grants and various sponsors. Your sponsorship will help support:
Live Theatrical Productions
Educational Growth and Development Programs
Live Concerts and Professional Events
We are continually growing our audiences and expanding our exposure throughout our Oklahoma community.
Please consider joining our current sponsors and sharing our spotlight.
Pollard Theatre Company is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, whose mission is to produce professional theatre that engages and inspires Oklahoma’s audiences, and contributes to the quality of life and economy of our community and state. Additional assistance is provided by the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.