As a not-for-profit organization, the Pollard Theatre’s mission is to produce meaningful, entertaining, and diverse theatre within the City of Guthrie and the greater state of Oklahoma. Honoring the legacy of the Guthrie Arts and Humanities Council, our work strives to engage and inspire audiences within our community and beyond. We celebrate the essential power of theatre and live-performance to illuminate our shared humanity. We encourage everyone to experience a stage of inspiration.


: We seek to achieve the highest quality of performance in a supportive working environment and expect excellence from the artists, staff, and volunteers with whom we work.


Community Outreach
: We strive to incorporate programs and performances that are inclusive and engaging; that reflect the diversity of our greater geographic region and our immediate locale to have a meaningful impact on our community.


We will continue to strengthen our leadership role in the arts community of Guthrie and surrounding communities and enhance our regional reputation while providing new avenues of arts and entertainment.


: We value creativity and innovation in all aspects of our organization, including our artists’ work and how we support them.


Financial Health: We will uphold our covenant as a not-for-profit institution by being reliable stewards of the public trust and the resources provided to us by our community.


Legacy: Our goal is to honor our historical foundation and theatre. We are stewarding a model of rejuvenation, renovation, and refurbishment to enhance our audience and performer’s experience for generations to come. 


If anyone can make magic out of these trying times, it’s theater-makers. 

Your seat is waiting.

At its core, the theater is a collaborative, collective experience.
We are committed to finding ways to strengthen our connections and build community. 

The Pollard Theatre Company is a professional resident theatre recognized by patrons, critics, and artists as one of the leading theatrical producers in central Oklahoma. The Pollard Theatre Company has reinvigorated its programming, blending traditional theatrical productions and innovative live performances. Further, while Broadway and larger production houses trend towards spectacle and grandeur, the Pollard focuses on showcasing and telling engaging narratives and intimate performances, leaving audiences inspired. The Pollard produces a mix of five mainstage theatrical performances and Performance Series presentations in a year-round season. In addition, Pollard is proud to have provided hundreds of outside performers, technicians, directors, and musicians with work within the arts and culture industry. pdf